Thursday, June 24, 2010

tak ada point, pointless, tapi dalam bentuk point

  • ok i lied about uploading the picture. x sempat lah nok. balik keje lambat sampai umah tgk tv berangan mandi gosok baju then tido. fuhh..ok la lied again, i did online sekejap fb-ing. that thing adalah berpuaka and its like mnyerap dalam otak and you're hypnotized to login and click here and there *stalk people* and suddenly macam dah sejam kau mengadap page tu! jahanam betul

  • last month, i dont even know what i did with my salary. seriously. alih2 tinggal sikit. let me think what i bought..hmmm..well NOTHING! i dont even buy a present for myself on my birthday. duhh..tiba-tiba broke tanpa sebab. ada toyol ke curi duit aku? nanti malam aku nak tabur kacang hijau lah depan pintu. wow it ryhmes. lol

  • i love my job..err no i dont actually..but i need job to keep me sane. kalau tak aku akan meroyan 44hari sebab bosan, xde duit, bosan, xde duit, bo..well u get it. tapiiii adalah menyampah nak pegi keje bila kita menyampah kuasa dua nak jumpa org yang dibenci. aku ni nak kata frenly sangat tu tak jugak, nak kata sombong pun tak jugak kot. i'm in between. ye la takkan tiba2, nak terjah orang comolot bagai. aku bukan abang nas rambut ketak. but kenapakah bila i'm trying to be nice to some people, dia seperti kau-tak-cukup-bagus-nak-nice2-dengan-aku. macam kesiyal ye dok? hang igt aku hadap ke nak teguq hang, kalau bukan sebab keje, x kuasa aku nak hadap muka jawa hang tu. lepas tu nak speaking slang2 dengan gua. dik non, u need a bigger mirror oke. typical stuck up malay bitch. kau tu x cantek nak buat perangai macam tu tau tak?? if kau cantik aku takleh nak kata apa la kan. and i dont what is her fucking problem with me! kenapa lah ramai sangat orang perasan cantik and bagus when clearly they're NOT! erghhh

  • akak x sabar nak gaji esok. boleh makan sedap2. sedih tak? kena tunggu gaji baru boleh makan sedap T_T kalau tak, ayam penyet yang murah pun terasa mahal dik non~

  • sebenarnya i banyak duit tp saja merendah diri

  • ok, point kat atas tu tipu.. haha.

  • aku nak cakap apa sebenarnya ni??

  • xde apa kot. babai


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

having a break

today is tuesday and its moi 1st working day in this week. sebab semalam aku MC, demam sikit. sakan sangat balik kampung agaknya. mana tak nya keje aku makan, tido, makan, tido, tido lagi, makan, makan well dua aktiviti tu je la gamaknya. i had siput sedut masak lemak dengan batang keladi, gulai ayam, masak lemak pisang, kari daging, sambal sotong, apa lagi eh..pergh malas nak sebut lah, komfem org ingat aku bela jin. and its only 2days people. ko bayangkan kalau aku balik cuti raya, sawan makan ok!

nasib baik balik kampung sebulan sekali. fuh
semalam bangun pagi dh berat kepala. otak aku dh pusing2 pikir nak MC ke, mintak time off ke, or pegi je opis. last2 aku MC yo lah.. senang ye dok, dr pegi opis nak menaga dgn semua org. tak perlu menunjukkan ciri-ciri org tua meroyan ya. buruk ye dok? syok gila cuti time org keje, guling2 atas katil sambil tengok cerita my sassy girl. and i cried for the countless time. sedih oh cite tu T_T

i really have to do some shopping this week. i'm in dire need of shoes, jeans and handbag. eceh tetiba je kan. haha. rasa mcm dah lama x shopping lah, bila last cek beli baju?? emmm, no record, maksudnya apa? dah lama! tapi baju can wait, nak beli jeans. aku rasa aku dah x muat la saiz 26. huhu..xpe kite cuba nasib nanti. lps tu kan, kan, rs nak beli perfume lah. eh mummy alya nape geleng kepala?? ;p

oklah nak sambung buat keje.daa

p/s i love you : pic to be uploaded later~


Monday, June 21, 2010

random pics

sharing some random stories, just pics :)


Friday, June 18, 2010


i feel so fat, bila berjalan perut macam bergegar. wtf wtf wtf

harini nak balik kampung. yayy! i want to make sure i finish everything by 5.30. and i overhead my boss say that he wants to leave early as he is having a headache. bagus, harap2 bertukar jadik migrain sekejap lagi, biar lagi cepat dia balik. opss! haha

my office is going to implement this fricking stupid 5S thingy whereby for this 1st week, kami kene sort brg2 and kene buang apa yang tak pakai. kat atas meja x boleh ada barang except this grumpy old fat pc *duhh*, telephone and calendar ONLY! like O.N.L.Y *grrr* abis mana aku nak campak file2 aku ni ha??hah?? *hidung berdarah sebab marah sangat* this is my territory, suka ati aku la kalau nak perking zirafah kat sini pun kan? as long as zirafah tu tak kacau orang and tak kacau aku buat keje, rite?? erghhh. well that is just contoh, and no aku tak bawah zirafah pegi kerja.

dengan kebengangan membuak-buak, my dad called

abah : nak, busy ke

cocoa : no what's up dude? *hahaha aku tipu la, takkan jawab mcm tu* tak sangat, kenapa bah?

abah : bangsa-bangsa bersatu apa acronym dia?

seriously?? bukan bapak aku penonton tv1 yang setia ke? dunia jam sepuluh tu adalah penyiksaan minda terhadap aku semasa sekolah rendah ok

cocoa : ha?? PBB la

abah : hmm..yang islam tu apa?

cocoa : itu OIC lah!

abah : a'ah iye jugak..apa dia tulis niiii

cocoa : abah tgk apa?

abah : ni ha tulisan jawi ni *lol* dia tulis alif-ya-sin-wau. apa tu? ISO??

cocoa : ISO? abah ni cuba baca ayat sebelum tu

abah : ok, *bla..bla* apa eh?

so aku terpaksa tulis dan berfikir dengan lebih gigih..

cocoa : abah!!!!! ISU lah! apahal ISO pulak.

abah & cocoa : *rofl*

abah : aihh ISO lah PBB lah..haha

cocoa : tolonglah PBB langsung tak kena kot?? haha

abah : ok lah, tu je nak tanya. bye

and i wonder how my mum cope with this man. hehe

ok lah, aku nak kemas meja. grrrrrr


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


akak confuse lah dik non. kenapa sekarang akak liat bangun pagi? ok, memang selama ni pun liat macam keropok lekor murah tu, tapi ini terlebih liat macam selipar jepun. and dont let me start on tahap kemalasan aku. semakin berkembang mekar katanya. wtf betul la..

ok dah, itu mukadimah tak perlu sebenarnya. semalam abah aku call. he put me on speaker so mak aku boleh cakap sekali. comel betul. tapi menyakitkan hati bila soalan pertama ialah : puasa ke tak harini? err..hehe. aku puasa 1st rejab je haritu. and then i was planning to buat selang seli la..harini puasa, esok x puasa, lusa puasa, yada yada..bangga la tu dua2 puasa ;p

abah : puasa tak?

cocoa noooo..but semalam puasa *takde sape tanya tapi defensive* igt nak puasa selang seli la

ma : oo takpe la, ma dengan abah puasa ni

cocoa : o ye ke. tengah buat apa ni?

abah : tengok tv *tapi kadang2 dua orang ni suka berebut channel tv, so i dont want to ask cerita apa sebab nanti tak pasal2 aku kena dengar debat diorg*

cocoa : abah, ma cakap kann *matiklah mengadu* abah cakap dengan org ma nak puasa 3 bulan

abah : a'ah memang

ma : saya tak cakap pun nak puasa 3 bulan. abah ni, dia cakap ma je nak puasa, dia tak cakap pun dia nak puasa. tak pasal2 aku kena kan? *lol*

abah : tak kira, tak kira. kena puasa straight

ma : takmo! kalau ada kenduri saya tanak puasa *mak sapa la ni*

cocoa : motif cakap berdua? baik takyah call ni. abah, abah nak puasa, puasa la. knp ajak ma sekali. eh bukan ajak, ni paksa ok. haha

ma : kan? tau xpe..

cocoa : ba jeles ni kalau ma makan masa abah puasa nii

abah : tau pun..mana boleh! kan dah janji sehidup semati. kena la sama2

cocoa : *rofl* tapi tak janji sepuasa kan?

cocoa : ma puasa je tua memang kena puasa2 ni

ma : ehh org muda yang kene puasa. kuat lagi

cocoa : apa pulak, org tua la puasa, takut nanti x sempat. hahaha. masak apa today

ma : *sebut makanan yg sedap2 buat aku stress*

cocoa : dah siap masak ke? awal nye?

abah : ma bukan mcm dulu lagi nak..dulu goreng sayur lmbt2, biar panas2 makan masa berbuka. sekarang ni kalau boleh pukul 9 pagi nak siap masak. lepas tu tidur la tu *boleh main tuduh2?*

ma : ma penat la sekarang mana ada saya tido? pandai2 je eh

abah : tu la saya nak amik bibik, awak tanak

ma : nak amik untuk saya ke untuk awak? abah tu nak ambik untuk dia

cocoa : ha tu la ma jual mahal.

abah : saya nak ambik yang umur 50 laa

cocoa : haha kalau yang itu ma yang tolong dia, bukan dia tolong ma! cuci toilet sikit dah sakit pinggang. cemana?
*semua gelak*

then bapak aku cakap babai sebelum makin mengarut. x sabar nak balik kampung this friday.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


oh my god! my division team just popped out from the pantry door with my birthday cake! tekejut mak..sebab arini bukan bday aku! haha. rupanya diorg saja surprise on advance because on my bday nanti ramai pegi training

thanks guys!


Monday, June 14, 2010

hari ini hari isnin

alamak, dimanakah janji-janji manismu nak rajin update? adaaa, tapi dok dalam draft tu. taip sikit2 last2 terbengkalai. huhu. lazy fat ass! boo~

anyway..this is my birthday week y'all.hehe. so aku nak be in a good mood :) want to be happy and cuba menjadi seorang yang forgiving sepanjang minggu. even sudah ada negative vibes merayau-rayau di sekitar diri ini, but i'm trying to stay calm. i should be wiser right? jadi tak perlu layan benda-benda bodoh yang menyakitkan hati. which in a away i think i had enough of it

minggu ni nak balik kampung. i miss my mak already. asyik bertangguh je nak balik sebab every weekend the two lovebirds tu asyik nak berjalan je. so no point lah aku balik when diorg tak ada kat rumah kan. apalah maknanya balik ke rumah mak tapi masih terpaksa memakan ikan bilis goreng hasil air tangan sendiri? x perlu! so this week aku telah paksa mereka supaya duduk rumah diam2 boleh tak?? wahahaha..sebenarnya ada tersembunyi niat jahat nak paksa *again* mereka belanja saya makan sedap2 sebab its my birthday week mannnn ;p

am still thinking what to get for myself on this birthday. maybe beli lambat sedikit sebab sekarang dah kehausan wang T_T tunggu gaji lorr. kalau tanya hati memang mati la, the list adalah endless! but maybe i'll get myself sepersalinan, top-to-toe, complete set. memang semangat nak hidup kalau ada benda baru kan :)

no fancy plans. and i dont look forward for any surprises or wishes. dah x peduli tentang itu semua. saya nak pentingkan diri sahaja. eh bukan selfish. maksud saya put myself first

ok lah saya nak buat kerja, nampaknya bos saya tak berapa sihat lah. saya nak pergi bertanya khabar dia. nanti sambung lagi ya. daa..

p/s : Rina and Yatie, i think i miss u guys. kamu memang tak sama macam yg lain2 :( *hugs*


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

sambung cite semalam

sebelum sambung entry semalam, nak bgtau. harini keluar ofis pukul 6 and sampai rumah pukul 8 ok! i feel like screaming at the top of my lung! apesal la kalau ujan mesti jem gila babi. why?whyyy????? 2damn hours ok..dah bole sampai melaka kot. bongok betul. jadi, sekali lagi saya telah makan ferrero rocher 3biji. wat the hell kan..its the end of my 3rd day y'all. tak sabar nak makan nasi lemak esok pagi. nyam2..

sikit pasal 3rd day of this fruit diet, harini perut aku penuh dengan angin. memang hampir2 mengalah tadi..i dont know whats wrong tp memang perut kembung. cuba memberakkan diri, tapi x boleh..angin je. kentut like nobody's business. tapi no worries, aku lepaskan segala-galanya dalam toilet ok :p

ok sambung on my newly found

2. HG moisturizer

fruit of the earth - aloe vera gel. another total love. beli masa muka di serang jerawat dan tinggalkan bekas macam baru lepas kena cikenpox sangat stress ok, fuh hampir tak cukup nafas. mcm biasa, need something mild for my skin and this stuff rocks! aku sapu kat whole muka everyday sebekum tido, dan ia mengurangkan kemerahan jerawat dan membuatkan kulit sangat lembut. kenapa aneh sangat bahasa aku ni..hmm. other than that, now my jerawat dah sembuh of course dengan bantuan clyndamycin, my scars yg mcm cikenpox tu pun dah fade *clap clap* so now bila malas pakai nightcream, i will slather this all over my face and tidoq. sok pagi bangun cuci muka, memang syok. hehe. no more kulit kering mengelupas, no more merah2 tak tentu pasal bila bangun pagi. i give 5stars for this!

sekian terima kasih. sebelum mengundur diri , terimalah..

suddenly spek ni terlalu besar utk muka aku. ok kene beli spek baru


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

found my another HG products. yayy

i'm being extra rajin tonite, so aku edit semua post yang macam haram tu. nampak lebih senonoh kan sekarang? malam ni aku minum jus buah and again i cheated. kejadah diet asyik menipu je kan? ahh x kira..aku makan ferrero rocher yang 3ketul tu. seriously nowadays i'm addicted to that thing! selalu beli yang 3 bijik tu and aku abiskan masa tu jugak. one after another! coklat memang tenangkan jiwa..makes u a happy fat baby ;)

saya juga telah mengewapkan muka. paham tak? i mean i steam my face..kemudian saya picit whiteheads. tapi sebenarnya saya tak reti pun. haha. so macam baik tak payah je. tapii saya berjaya picit biji2 kecil tu, u know yg macam ada something clogged. saya pun x tau apa nama dia..kemudian saya scrub. kemudian saya cuci muka. setel. saya harap jerawat takkan berani singgah lagi. skrg memang dah tak ada jerawat. sejak saya pakai antibiotik tu. tapi sekarang saya dah stop guna. tak boleh pakai selalu, nanti dia tak berkesan, pakai masa ada jerawat je

hmm comel jugak bila cakap 'saya' ni. haha

i found my HG lotion and moisturizer. i swear i'll always have these in my stock.

1. my HG lotion. tadaaa..

yup the classic j&j baby lotion. macam mana aku boleh discover this little gem? few weeks back, aku guna olay shower cream yang macam kat bawah ni

do you know, lepas mandi guna shower cream ni, dia kan tinggalkan glitters on your skin? even kau dah lap dengan towel pun, ia akan bersemadi pada kulit kau ok. masa mula2 aku suka la kan, then one day aku perasan macam ada spot merah kat tangan aku. aku igt macam kene gigit nyamuk padahal sumpah umah akak xde nyamuk nok. then few days later amik ko, bintik2 mertah semakin merebak kat tangan n kaki. takde rasa gatal or apa. just bintik je. bila aku kaji selidik, baru la aku tau itu kesan peninggalan glitter tu, maybe dia resap kat kulit and kulit aku yang super duper sensitif ni memang x sesuai le. baru nak feeling beyonce layan kilat2 tau T_T

dah tengok bintik2 cam kene denggi tu, akak cargas la ke farmasi nak cari lotion yang ala2 berubat or lotion yang lembut for sensitive skin. tapi x jumpa yang menarik. then esoknya tu aku pegi kuantan, memang dah takleh blah merah2 tu. kebetulan i saw this j&j lotion kat one of the supermarket kat kuantan tu. then i thought this should be mild, this meant for babies. so aku pun beli. first yang buat aku jatuh cinta kat lotion ni ialah dia buat kulit kau super soft! i really love the baby smell. very comforting. sangat moisturizing, cepat meresap dan tak sticky. total L O V E! after 2 hari, all the merah2 is gone completely. kulit sgt lembut. u can actually feel the difference

ok dah ngantuk,sambung esok lah ye..haha. nite


i think

i think my boss is in a bad mood..and that makes me unhappy. sebab nya aku kan memang tak suka orang cakap kasar2 dengan aku, pastu muka tegang semacam, pastu muka macam tak suka cemana tah..pastu aku rasa macam dia marah dengan aku. tapi apa je lah yang aku buat?? and yet i'm blogging. haha. takpe, dia tgh meeting plus memang takde keje urgent ni.

hmm..just now i smiled to him, and he was like tak ada perasaan. or lebih kepada muka bengang -ko-senyum2-pehal?? isk..scares me and terus muka aku jadi herot nak teriak. huhu. ceq kan sensitip.wakakaka. ah x suka macam ada buat salah je menyebabkan dia jadi tak happy. shit, aku asyik fikir psl kpi je sejak keje sini. kalau aku tak tau pape, or tanya soklan bangang kat org, aku trus mcm - abis la kpi aku. mesti org ingat aku tak competent. waaa saiko siyal. x suka, x suka T_T

harini memang tak boleh balik awal la kot. my boss will be on leave for the rest of the week starting tomorrow, so i expect he will settle everything by today and of course i have to be there kan. hmm.

anw, mak aku dah sibuk tanya minggu ni balik ke tak. the thing is aku pun tak tau nak balik ke tak. aku suka je balik kampung, bole makan sedap2. tapi nak travel tu yang malas. kalau aku ni jumper kan ke best. tau tak aku terfikir apa sekarang. sambal udang!sedapnyeeee



just look at my messy blog. tunggang langgang. kejap ada space, kejap xde. kejap tulisan kecik, kejap besar. but seriously i couldnt care less. sebenranya dah adjust cantik2, tapi bila publish terus macam puaka jadiknya. nak harap aku betulkan balik? idok le..lantak la kn. i consider that as an art. haha. hotak kamu art!

anw, ini just nak update the 2nd day of my fruit diet. i tell u, its not easy on me! mungkin sebab akak dah tua nyah. aku macam what the eff, baru hari kedua?? erghh..and i'm already planned to cook nasi lemak this weekend. sia-sia diet. haha. hampeh kan. tapi ada ke aku kisah? eat first, whine later :p

i think i cheated yesterday night, sebab aku minum yoghurt drink 1 gelas - full. initially i wanted to buat juice sendiri, tapi semalam balik keje jem gila. it took me almost 1 hour to get home! pissed off hoh. hampir2 nak singgah carrefour beli sausage cheese sebab sentap *alasan* on top of the drink, i ate sebiji epal. thats it. then aku dice buah untuk bawak pegi keje today. it is easier..takyah berperang pagi2. hehe

i just had my lunch with my fruit lunch box. saya adalah kenyang :) for snack today ialah epal and papaya. tunggu nanti pukul 4lebih baru boleh makan

another 1 day left tomorrow. i cant believe there is crazy people out there doing this for entire month or year. gila ka? hang tau dak nasi kandaq tu sedap? haha. ok got to go..i got work to do ;p


Monday, June 7, 2010

1 out of 3

been a litle busy this morning. sekarang dah free sikit. padahal ada je keje. tapi kejap lagi lah. hehe. cuti sekolah kan now, so adalah sangat gembira y'all. jalan x jem langsung.suka tau! takde la 8 kali tengok jam sambil berkira-kira pukul berapa nak sampai ofis niiii

anw, there's few times my boss called me and asked 'cocoa, u kat mana?' and i reply 'emm, 5min lagi i sampai' or kadang2 aku cakap 3 min, or 10min. ada satu hari tu i was fricking late, kul 8pagi aku tercangak lagi depan umah. punya aku berdoa bos aku tak call pagi tu. tp mcm biasa la kan, pernah ke aku bernasib baik?? bos aku call ok! shooottttttt!!! and this time mukadimah dia xde helo xde apa

cocoa : *angkat phone* hello
boss : bape minit lagi u sampai?

mcm haram. padan muka aku kan? main minit2 lagi

cocoa : aaaaaaa i dont know. jem gila depan umah i *suara teraniaya. padahal kau memang dah lambat kan?*
boss : oo u kat depan umah lagi. ok2 xpe. kunci bilik i mana eh?
cocoa : pada i la. why? mana kunci u?
boss : i tertinggal
cocoa : duhhh *dalam hati. ekekeke. kau gila ke nak duhh kan bos?* em, nanti i sampai i call u

nasib baik 15mins later aku sampai. sakit jantung akak kalau kuar umah kul 8am on normal days. memang komfem kul 9 la aku sampai opis. padahal bukan jauh mana pun opis dengan umah. dats why i loveeeee cuti sekolah. apart from the fact bos2 akan bercuti pada cuti sekolah sebab nak bawak anak jalan-jalan. hoyehh. hehehe

enough bout that. ni nak bagitau *kepoh*, i'm on 3days fruit diet! yeah..hahaha. no bukan nak lose weight, walaupun telah di kecam hebat oleh rakan-rakan kenapa aku berdiet. bukan lah nokkk, ini untuk detox je ok. tp kalau terkurus tu kira nasib la kan, harap2 peha kurus dulu!!

harini hari pertama, setakat ni belum meroyan lagi la..masih normal. cuba asyik nak wiwi je, since aku asik minum air plus buah2 kan contains high level of water. tapi kan time2 ni la terasa macam 'eh dah lama x makan sosej yang ada cheese tu' or tiba2 rasa nak makan megi kari. macam la sedap sangat. keji hoh!

akan cuba mengharungi hari pertama ni. and they say that 2nd day will be the most challenging. fuhh..esok kena makan buah extra banyak la kot. eh lama jugak 3 hari tu rupanya eh. ekekeke


Saturday, June 5, 2010

hari ini hari sabtu

its saturday. gosh time really flies! rasa macam baru je weekend lepas suddenly dah weekend lagi. tapi takpe, bagus jugak, so payday mesti cepat sampai. i'm broke T_T

harini bangun2 je tgk jam dah pukul 12.30 noon! wth? there goes my half saturday, aku bila bangun lambat sangat ni mula la takde mood, rasa nak mengamuk semua ada. i suppose to go mandi manda sungai - tp bangun lambat. i suppose to jumpa fateen - tp bangun lambat juga. dengan umah x kemas. and it has been 2 weeks. habuk dah, aku x sukaaaaaa.

so kemas2 umah la tadi..lepas dah siap semua and siap mandi dah almost 5pm. rasa macam nak masak nasi goreng. dah lama x masak nasi goreng buatan sendiri yang sedap itu. ahahaha. tengah2 berangan nak dapatkan ilham nak masukkan apa dalam nasi goreng tu, ida smsed.

dan akhirnya here i am now

ok dah mula perangai gila
gi makan kat mcd. nasi goreng ke mana, aku kemana..hehe.
okeh esok nak gi karoke. eh kata takde duit. waaaaaaaaaaaa

Thursday, June 3, 2010

by 7pm

went to watch Prince of Persia, em ok la cite dia. takyah beria sangat la ya, tengok dvd sudahhh. anw, walaupun dah makan sekotak popcorn dengan kelajuan yang membuatkan kotak tersebut kosong sebelum setengah cerita -_-" tetap balik umah dengan keadaan lapar gila. konon nak goreng nugget or buat simple sandwich. hmm, haram ok! sanggup ni tido dalam keadaan perut menangis meminta bantuan.

dulu-dulu ada org buat bidaah kat aku, dia kata jangan tido dgn perut lapar, nanti roh ko jalan2 gi makan sampah. betul ke hah? but kenapa sampah dowh..pegi la makan mcd, kan ada yang 24hours tu. haih

ok sambung cite. so tido la lapar2 mcm tu, tapi dah pasang niat 'sahaja aku nak makan nasi lemak esok pagi' lalu menarik selimut sampai kepala

so did i manage to eat nasi lemak? yes, at fricking 11.30am. lapar siyallll. and that is because i was rushing to settle something. see now aku lebih menetingkan kerja dari makanan. how cool is that? haha..walaupun nasi lemak tu dah tak seindah kalau dimakan pada pukul 8.30 pagi, tapi mentekedarah sampai licin gak.

now i'm still in the office, waiting for my boss because i have to update him on something, tapi org tua ni entah kemana berjalan nya tah. stress by 7 kalau dia tak muncul gak, aku balik je. hmm nak makan apa eh. lapar ni


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

movie day

yayy petang ni nak pegi tengok wayang... i will kill someone if i cant make it. seriously! lama kot tak tengok wayang. padahal wednesday used to be my movie day. kalau dah dasar kedekut kan, mestilah kena tonton pada hari rabu. menjimatkan nok.

going to watch this

eh pesal poster 2009? ok abaikan. cool, it 3pm already!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

there's a reason for me to be home early from work lately

its because of this


tantek kannnn :)..masa mula2, rupa dia camni je

so hari-hari x sabar nak balik keje sebab akan rasa gembira tengok dia bloom. cis, senang betul nak buat aku happy

ok dah malas, adakah aku yang bangang atau pun memang susah nak blog guna laptop? ke blogger yg macam setan sebenonya? ke aku dah lama x blog maka semakin lembab?
aku nak berfikir sambil tido.
nite darlings!

dah mula dahh

muahahaha..2nd entry for today. just had lunch and dah tentulah mengantuk. ada je keje tapi malas. haha. but its okay, that thing can wait. i mean benda tu kena buat berdua, so pasangan duet ku bz, what can i do. kan? plus keje tu not really mine, aku tolong je, keje amal kekdahnya.

untuk pengetahuan semua, i'm working in a different company now. no longer with Devdas n Mr Horlicks. surprisingly i miss Devdas! haha. he's the kind of a boss from hell i tell you, tapi actually agak baik hati juga, and you learn a lot from bos macam ni. kalau bos kau baik sangat, and jenis tak kisah je memanjang, maka akan lembab lah kau sepanjang zaman. so thanks to Devdas, eventhough at times i thought of memasukkan laxative dalam drinks dia, or letak kerengga dalam blazer dia or anything that can super annoy him. he's actually a gem! selain dari duit raya berkepuk yang aku dapat setiap tahun agagaga. i'm gonna MISS that!

mr horlicks tak payah cakap la, siap nak tunggu aku join them balik. he's always a sweetie :) dan juga duit raya dan angpow berkepuk-kepuk *perhatikan perbezaan kata berganda di sini ;p *

new office is quite okay walaupun beberapa minggu pertama aku agak tertekan sehingga jerawat popping like non stop n hell lot man! i've been patient for the first week and berserah pada takdir je that it will eventually subside. akan tatapiiii, masuk 2nd week, aku dah menggelupur. ini memang stok jerawat batu ok, its hell big n red to the max, sakit pulak tu. terus aku shoot ke farmasi and bought some antibiotics and proper facial wash for acne prone skin. i know my skin is acne prone, tapi dah lama tak ada jerawat mengganas macam ni, so pencuci muka bodoh-bodoh yang murah will do. heheh. yeah, i'm a cheapskate. boo me ;p

well tertekan bukan sebab bos, tetapi sebab officemate. i dont know whether its me from mars, or i landed on the wrong planet - not earth. tiba-tiba aku jadi macam orang pelik. oh my, ask people around me how i whine, whine, whine about how stressed i am. sampai nak pakai baju apa pegi keje pun aku macam kene berfikir am i going to be the topic today? i dont know..entah-entah aku yang sakai pikir macam tu. tapi takkan aku nak pikir kalau takde strong basis kan? haihh..but now after 2 months i guess i'm okay. masih malas seperti biasa nak bangun pagi pegi keje..but i pegi jugak ok! and most of the day, i work extra hours - yang ini telah dikeji oleh rakan-rakan seperjuangan. sejak bila aku rajin sgt?? but i have to! bos busy, maka kuli mcm aku ni busy la sekali

so its like weekdays memang aku exhausted most of the day, balik keje kul 8malam. sometimes i stay sampai almost 9. crazy i know. maybe not for other people, but ME?! memang orang terkejut la aku stayback - so not me ok! tapi aku suka jugak la, since i got nothing else to do, keje je la ye dok? kaya tidak, miskin pun tidak. but can kill the time :)

new office dekat dengan rumah, so sukaaa. senang gi keje. balik lambat pun takde lah terasa sangat because its like 15minutes je i'm already home. itu kalau balik lambat la sebab jalan dah tak jem. cuma pagi je hazab sikit, but i'm used to it anyway

well, thats the only new and interesting story that happened while i was silent this few months. yang lain sama aje or ianya tak best. so no need to story mory lah ye.

god, its June already. its my birthday month y'all! hehe

p/s : aku dah malas nak buat the warna warni thingy. so its going to be monotone from now on :)


back :)

O M G - seriously i hate that song. despite the fact that i love Usher. jeez its been a while since my last post isnt it? i really should start to write again. and no aku bukan busy bebenor sampai tak sempat nak blog, please lah kau ingat kau siapa nyah. busy sangat ke kau?? i just lost my words..

did i just say that? hahah..only my close frens know how much i talk. i talk, n talk, n talk to the point ida always buat2 paham apa aku cakap. but thats because pompuan ni suka multitasking kan otak dia. or she is just tired with my voice? ADA AKU KISAH?? with it! or kalau u nak lari from my sawan cakap, get married! see how rina manage to escape herself- kawin! ekekeke ;p

ok the real reason why i stopped writing ialah i need some space untuk menenangkan diri. i was busy menyusun hidup from that point onwards. i dont want to vent by writing. i dont want the world wibe web to know about my private life. i am a very reserve person. i seldom show my real emotion. i'm good in pretending :) and now i'm ok, here i am!

ok enough with the explanation. i'm ready to write again. doesnt matter lah ada orang nak baca ke tak, i miss writing....and camwhoring of course! heheh


Thursday, January 7, 2010


Look inside,
Look inside your tiny mind
Now look a bit harder
Cause we're so uninspired,
so sick and tired of all the
hatred you harbor

So you say
It's not okay to be gay
Well I think you're just evil
You're just some racist who
can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval

Fuck you (Fuck you)
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you (Fuck You)
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Do you get,
Do you get a little kick out of
being slow minded?
You want to be like your father
It's approval your after
Well that's not how you find it

Do you,
Do you really enjoy living a
life that's so hateful?
Cause there's a hole where
your soul should be
Your losing control of it and
it's really distasteful

Fuck you (Fuck You)
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you (Fuck You)
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't
translate and it's getting
quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Look inside
Look inside
Your tiny mind
Then look a bit harder
Cause we're so uninspired
So sick and tired
Of all the hatred you harbor

Fuck you (Fuck You)
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you (Fuck You)
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't
translate and it's getting
quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I just wanna be happy.

Someone once told me
That you have to choose
What you win or lose
You can't have everything

Don't you take chances
You might feel the pain
Don't you love in vain
'Cause love wont set you free
I could stand by the side
And watch this life pass me by
So unhappy
But safe as could be

So what if it hurts me
So what if I break down
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
'Cause I'm just try'na be happy, yeah
Just wanna be happy, yeah

Holding on tightly
Just can't let it go
Just try'na play my roll
Slowly disappear, ooh
Well all these tears
They feel like they're the same
Just different faces, different names
Get me outta here
Well I can stand by the side, ooh no
And watch this life pass me by
Pass me by

So what if it hurts me
So what if I break down
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
'Cause I'm just try'na be happy
Ohh happy

So any turns that I can't see
I'll count a stranger on this road
But don't say victim
Don't say anything

So what if it hurts me
So what if I break down
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
'Cause I'm just try'na be happy, yeah
Just wanna be happy, yeah
I just wanna be happy.