Lee Chong Wei is now Datuk Lee.
no, bukan Datuk kepada Lee lah!but he received some Darjah Setia watever from Penang YDP, which carries the title Datuk. Congratulations :)
i'm thinking of doing something to get the Datukship lah.Any ideas?
this morning, traffic adalah sgt clear, gila awal aku smpi opis.rmi org amik cuti kott..sbb kan long weekend, cuti smpi hr isnin or selasa in some states.
aku bgn kul 6am pagi ni sbb smlm aku tak gosok baju keje..ye, aku mmg ada mslh malas gosok baju keje.n bile gosok baju dlm keadaan ngantuk n klu boleh nk siap gosok that 3 piece in 5minutes, mmg ko tahu lah hasilnye kan
cpt2 aku sambung tido pdahal lg bape minit je nak 6.30am ;p
lps mndi n nk pki baju br aku sedar yg my scarf's colour and my baju's colour adalah agak..errr..OFF!!isk..
tp aku pedulik apa, aku pki gak...
smlm aku mkn kfc for dinner..i ask the counter boy to change my carbonated drinks to orange juice.sbnrnye sbb aku nmpk kt dispenser air oren tu, dia tampal sticker Tropicana Twister.feveret oke.tgedik2 la aku kan..tambahan pule counter boy itu agak cuteness.haha
sekalik bile aku minum dgn riang, ceh, rs air oren KHH Double Lion!!mcm air oren yg aku beli ms sekolah rendah dulu,sebungkus 2osen, kaler terang gile dan menggiurkan, tp bile minum..*kecewa* cisss..
mak aku penah beli gak ni sbb tertipu tgk kaler dia..but after the first try, dia terus ban and back to Sunquick
sambil mkn tu aku tgk cite kt TV3, Kekasihku Seru.siyal, takut oke cerita tu.aku siap buat kubu bantal atas katil sbb nak tgk sipi2 jek..still aku TERjerit 2kali sbb terperanjat dan dimarahi oleh sara dan nurul sbb buat diorg terperanjat, not bcoz of the hantu, but sbb jeritan aku.ekekekeke ;p
pengakuan: aku takut tgk cite hantu, tp aku nak tgk jugakkkk
lgpun, cite hantu mmg dibuat supaya penonton takut dan menjerit oke. apalah maknanya klu tgk cerita hantu sambil ketawa2 girang??or tgk dgn mata terbeliak sahaja, without any response dr dr sendiri?tak feel langsung..kene la ada jerit2 sikit.
*beking dr sendiri*
nurul was in my room, teman aku tgk cite td tu. tgh2 tgk tv, kuar la iklan lipton by sharifah shahira..
nurul: ha, mcm tu la sy suh akak kaler rambut *sambil tunjuk rmbut si sharifah itu*
hotcocoa: gile kau!!pompuan tu putih oke..terang gile kaler dia
nurul: dia pki 3 kaler tau tak? *mana tah dia tau*
hotcocoa: tak kirelah, yg penting dia putih so ssuai laa..klu akak wat camtu..emm.hodoh oke
nurul: eh, abis beyonce tu putih sgt ke buat kaler rmbut mcm tu?kaler rmbt akak skang ni yg hodoh *gulp*
hotcocoa: nurul....kulit beyonce tu kilat a.k.a tan..so lawa la.nmpk waahhh gitu
nurul: xde maknanya kulit dia kilat!tu mekap ms show jek. akak igt dia pegi psr kulit dia kilat camtu?
hotcocoa: eh, ko pnah tgk ke dia pegi pasar??
nurul: oklah2, artis Malaysia, akak tgk Dayang tu..lawa jek dgn kaler mcm tu
hotcocoa: wat???!!!lawa ko kate??ko tau tak org dok kutuk dia?x sesuai oke..muka gelap camtu pastu kaler rmbut terang smacam..eeeeee
nurul: sy kaler rmbut dulu, sume ckp muka sy cerah
hotcocoa: hah?perasaan ko kot *or perasan??hehe*
nurul: takkk..sume org ckp *btw, opismate dia sume kelly-ng, so aku mls nk ckp* ms tu sy kaler shade yg no 2 tu..*iaitu blonde tp bile dh kt rmbut dia jd mcm brassy or orangey gitu*
hotcocoa: tp akak tak suke rupa kau ms tu
i stick to chocolate, always..
blonde, brassy, orangey, red - is a NO-NO for me!!
sense of fashion nurul and aku mmg totally tak sama..dia adalah sedikit pelik.or shud i say, mmg pelik?
but suits her la kot
klu aku turn to her style..err, misbehave u know wat to do - BWK AKU GI JUMPA NENEK KAJANG!!!
anw, hodohkah aku?isk..
ah, pedulik ;p
look wat i bot, see firmer me in 2 weeks ;) hehe
TGIF!!!!yeh!!yeh!!sok balik kampung..ngeee~
Friday, August 29, 2008
T.G.I.F!! :)
Posted by hotcocoa at 8:59 AM 0 u know that u love me
Thursday, August 28, 2008
i've no idea wat to eat!mungkin aku dh kene aura bulan puasa..which is good!but tell u wat, sgt kenyang oke makan 3slices of buah-buahan ni..tp tak buat aku mengantuk. klu mkn nasi kenyang gini, harus aku dh bancuh nescafe satu mug - still, it never worked for me actually, nmpk sgt 'penidur tegar' ;p
oke, i was flipping thru the channels yesterday when i saw this ad. situasinye :
- satu geng tgh lepak kt kedai mamak, the waiter came and sebutlah segala menu yg ada
- sorg order air ape tah, sorg lg oder makan with special request bla..bla
- and seorang ini order air masak saja *or air panas ke suam tah, mcm tu la lebih kurang*
- kwn2 yg lain pandang slekkk jek
few mins later..
- mamak anta air n food *ye ke?ke anta air jek?ala, lebih kurang laaa*
- lps mamak blah, sipolan yg order air masak/suam/panas telah mengeluarkan Milo 3in1 dr koceknya!!!n pour into that air.sambil ckp dgn bangga 'aku bg jugak bisnes kat mamak tu, air ni 30sen'
- kwn2 tepuk tangan n one of them ckp 'aku bangga dgn kau'
- abis
spesies apakah iklan ini?
n aku rasa iklan ini hanya ditayangkan di saluran2 kerajaan sahaja *oppss*
bayangkan kwn2 korg bawak peket2 minuman 3in1 atau sepeket megi in my cup dlm kocek bile lepak minum/makan. adakah korang rasa nak melempang seround dua, atau memuji2 sikap murni mereka itu *murni ke??*
abis la lps ni kedai mamak letak sign 'NO OUTSIDE FOOD ALLOWED, FINE RM5000'.amik ko!
tah hape2 punye iklan~
Posted by hotcocoa at 2:08 PM 2 u know that u love me
so, KLites, how do u find kl yesterday?
the rain is massive, the traffic is massive! what else shud i say? took 3 hours for me to reach home!sedangkan opis n umah aku is merely 30 min sahaja on normal day/normal traffic.
but yesterday i choose to : not to say anything, sbb klu aku dh start, mmg akan spoil mood aku.so, aku redha sahaja dgn jem yg sbnrnye dh melampaui batas kesabaran aku *i feel like my butt doubled up its size, sbb kebas - duduk lama sgt*
utk mengelakkan aku dr mula mengeluarkan kata2 @#%%^, i called my lil bro who is transferred to Gurun by his co.
lil bro:ha, a'kum..
hotcocoa:w'salam..ape cite kat gurun?ekekekeke
lil bro:oiiii..seronok sgt kat sini, mcm2 ada *sarcasm*
lil bro:bosan nak mampus ko tau tak??
lil bro:suke ko eh??
hotcocoa:ekekekeke..ok tak keje kt sana?
lil bro:xde keje
hot cocoa:syok ah..goyang kaki.
lil bro:hotak ko, ada 3 org je kt dlm kilang yg besar nih, aku rs mcm dlm haunted mansion
hot cocoa:ekekekeke..ha, umah yg dia bg ok tak?
lil bro:okay..
hot cocoa:ada tv ke? *niat nak kutuk*
lil bro:ada..
hot cocoa: o ok *kecewa*, astro ada *cr peluang nak kutuk*
lil bro:ada oke, aku tgh tgk Astro Box office Sports nih *suara blagak*
hot cocoa:cehh..ha, kedai makan sume dekat tak?
lil bro:ehhh, dekatttt sgt, klu jalan kaki sure sampai *sarcasm*
lil bro:pastu anjing tak byk kat sini *sarcasm*
hot cocoa:ekekekekekekekeke
lil bro:klu jalan pki baju ngan suar, balik kompem tinggal spender je, tu kire bagus la klu still ada spender
hot cocoa:ekekekekkekekekekekeke...i know wat u need.senapang!
lil bro:bodo.benci ar duk sini.tak kire lps 2 bulan klu dia still suh stay sini.nak berenti.nak keje kt singapore
hot cocoa:ha, sounds better!aku da lama ckp kan?
lil bro:iyerrrr
hot cocoa:tipon mak tak?
lil bro:dah..bergaduh
hot cocoa:korg memang..nnt aku belikan parang sorg satu
lil bro:haha..bodo
hot cocoa:oklah, jem gile kat sini.ujan lebat..sj je col
lil bro:ha, ok..*suara sedih*
hot cocoa:ada duit tak?
lil bro:...........
hot cocoa:em, esok akak masukkan. gaji nnt bayar balik!
lil bro:hahaha..yelah2 *suara girang*
hot cocoa:sekali dgn yg pinjam 2bulan lepas ye *matilah ceti sgt kann??*
lil bro:TAULAH!!!
hot cocoa:hahahahahaha..babai
sib baik adik sorg..andddddddd sib baik adik aku lelaki!
dlm2 pd ujan lebat tu, sempatla aku gi Watsons, tujuan nye nak beli solution for my lens. tp pernahkah aku tidak tergoda dgn benda2 lain and end up beli barang tak perlu?bodo gile, brg kat Watsons pun nak tergoda..
i bot this three things, actually aku plukan solution itu sahaja, tp aku TERbeli shampoo tuh.actually yg kat umah still ada half.tu tak termasuk brand2 lain yg aku ada *isk* but, aku beli jugak..i dont know why, so dont ask T_T
errr..and facial cleanser tu pun aku TERbeli jugak, *sejak bile aku pakai Biore*but wait, aku beli sebab aku terpengaruh dgn iklan dia kat tv.so bukan salah aku.dia ckp after 14hari, muka akan licin!i was like..'waaaaaaa..best nye' and setiap kali aku tengok iklan tu, aku semakin terpengaruh until yesterday, aku beli!ala, 5hengget lebih je..aku beli yg kecik je oke.
tp kan klu nak ikutkan mmg tak perlu laa, since i haf another 2 unopened bottles of Neutrogena, and Garnier, and St Ives, and.. jgn buat aku rs bsalah bole tak?
janji pasni tak beli facial cleanser lagi
this may sound a lil bit keji, tp aku adalah melayan sebuah drama/series melayu di TV2.nooooo..bukan drama gerak khas or anything from Yusof Haslam n kaum kerabatnye. this is an adaptation from a novel by i-dont-remember-who, titled Tangisan Bulan Madu, lama gak aku melayan series ini and aku tak tahu pun yesterday ialah finale,sib baik aku tgk.aku slalu mcm tu tau, punye lah layan sejenis series but last episode mst aku miss.keji..
tp ending cite semalam aku agak benci juga..even aku suka part Amira tu tak terima balik duda jahanam dia, tp aku geram sbb dia tak together pun dgn Razlan tu.i know ending yg aku nak ni klise, but aku nakkkk..tp si Razlan tu pn sedikit bangang, so aku mls nak pikir..lantak lah.bagus gak klu dh abis ;p
janji tanak tgk series melayu lagi *aku tipu*
ok, aku nak berusaha tukar layout, sila doakan kejayaan aku
jap, before that, aku addicted thadap bun ini..sedapp :)
p/s: ada org ckp aku garang. garang eh??
Posted by hotcocoa at 10:48 AM 2 u know that u love me
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
heart out..
itu mukadimah yg xde kene mngena dgn next paragraph nih
i hate liars!gile benci oke, other than i hate copycat and wannabe, aku adalah amat benci penipu.
- mereka2 cerita supaya kelihatan hebat,
- mereka2 cerita supaya kelihatan spt dia lah yg lemah n mnjd mangsa
- mereka2 cerita supaya people will fall for them! - pathetic scumbag!
pastu bole lak kuarkan sentence like 'nape sume org tak suke i, u?i ni perfect sgt ke?' eh, kau jgn bodoh sgt bole tak?org tak suke sbb kau penipulah bodo!rasa nak lempang dgn penyapu..
lebih menyakitkan hati when all this while kite percaya lah ckp dia kan, when dia ckp ada org sedang mengganggu hidup dia and dia sgt rimas.and mengutuk pulak org tu, konon org tu lah yg head over heels kt dia *cibai* and kita yg mulia ni bg la nasihat prong prang bagai..tup2, end up dia sebenarnya adalah MESRA dengan org itu.apakah??siapa yg ko tipu sekarang ni??*anw, memang layak lah kau ngan org yg ko kutuk tu*
susah sgt ke on being honest?
klu tak suka, buat cara tak suka, jangan nak berpura-pura and tipu org sana sini..dah la kau buang masa orang, tak pasal2 kene pulak kongsi dosa sebab mengumpat bersama2 ;p
Posted by hotcocoa at 1:57 PM 3 u know that u love me
oops, i did it again!
- x sempat gosok baju keje
- sampai opis lambat
- aku lapar, n gatal tangan nak col McD - tp setakat ni iman aku masih tebal n aku still x col lagik
- bfast : bun kacang merah
- lunch :roti john singgit - so u can imagine how it looks like, jgn ko berangan nk dpt mcm yg kt param tuh!
- dinner :kopok Super Ring
thats was before 12am, when nurul mensajikan menu ini di depan mata aku
NASI GORENG USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeee, pd pukul 12malam..apakah maknanya kejayaan menahan napsu makan aku sepanjang hr, tp makan sajian ini pd pukul 12 malam?? tp aku tanak kecikkan ati nurul *hahahaha..keji* so aku makan..er, bole je klu aku nak jamah je kan?tp aku tetap abiskan oke, tak baik membazir tau *sebutir beras umpama setitik peluh petani* ;p
ha, i'll be back to my hometown this weekend, for 2 reasons, obviously not to tgk bunga api semasa sambut merdeka.tak kuasa aku, bek aku tgk HBO sambil makan kacang *aku mntk tlg tealady aku belikan kacang sedap utk bwk balik kampung weekend nih.sure abah suke :)* eh, makan kacang bole gemuk eh?err..ok2, 2 reasons aku nk balik kampung :
- sambut puasa wit my parents - yay!!nak makan sedap2 *again???argh!!*
- 31st Aug ialah bday si kecik ini :
here wat i do last nite
Anwar won kat permatang pauh kan?Congratulations..
i congratulate people, no matter who u are..x kire la aku sokong ke tak ke, klu dh menang, aku ttp akan ckp 'Tahniah'..unless i hate u ;)
- i have a lunch date with my bunny
- i'm meeting someone this evening :) *hold me tight, i promise i wont run n hide this time*
Posted by hotcocoa at 9:27 AM 5 u know that u love me
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
lg satu bende yg best bile ujan for me is, xde org yg akan swimming kt pool yg rite below my house.
my room view is the pool, n manusia2 ini bile swimming suke lah menjerit2 n memekak.aku sgtttt tertekan oke!x boleh ke ko mandi diam2?ko ingt bile ko menjerit ko takkan lemas lah?or bile ko menjerit ko akan menjadi sehebat Phelps??ada ko nampak Phelps menjerit2 ms swimming?ada??
klu ko rs nak menjerit2 memekak ms mandi, ko bole mandi dlm bilik air umah mak ko, sambil nyanyi lagu Suci Dalam Debu sekuat hati. cuba buat, kire mulia lah mak ko klu dia tak lempang ko dgn senduk nasik, tau tak?!
bile aku jengah dr balcony aku *sambil cekak pinggang* aku realize yg tjerit2 ni ialah budak2 lelaki melayu yg baru nak naik, feeling2 hebat n cool abis la bole swimming n jerit2 gitu, sj nk suh org tgk ko kn?klu body ko mantap n pki swimming trunk teruja lah jugak aku nk usha..ini setakat bdn berpanau *exaggarate sbb benci* dan pki pulak shorts murahan mcm seluar trek zaman sekolah dulu.jijik tau tak??
view from my room
eh, tau tak aku jatuh bilik air on sunday nite? its a weird tragedy as my bathroom floor and my sole is not wet at all!i just slipped off n fell, and the toilet bowl its only a few mm from my head!! for a few second, i stunned and i was thinking wat was that? ko bygkan klu pala aku terantuk n even either kepala aku or bowl tu pecah, ttp lah aku yg sakit kan?toilet bowl tu bkn rasa apa pun..isk, bygkan aku ilang ingatan or gila.err..i prefer ilang ingatan kot.lebih best. thank god all my bones are still intact, n my head as well ;)
and i did cerita pd few people, thanks a lot pd yg gelak kan aku *better jatuh toilet drdp tong gas jatuh atas kaki oke.ekekeke*
i hit the bed at 11pm++ last nite, baru jek nk tido, aku tdengar satu bunyi aneh..yg agak annoying.apekah? i turn and had a closer hearing. damn!!aku tau apekah itu! GERUDI JALAN tuh!bising arr..even bunyi dia sayup2..tp membuatkan aku bguling2 sbb susah nak tido..huh!
oke, aku nak tgk sape menang by-election arini.
Posted by hotcocoa at 12:50 PM 0 u know that u love me
Monday, August 25, 2008
saya hilang ingatan -_-
kdg2 kita tak sedar kata2 yg keluar dr mulut kite menyinggung perasaan org. dan kite mungkin tak akan ingat apa yg kita katakan pd seseorang, tp org yg mendengar akan mengingatinya sampai bila2..
bila seseorg tersinggung, adalah lebih mudah kita meminta maaf sekiranya kita tahu dia tersinggung. tapi, jika seseorang itu hanya berdiam diri, tahukah kita yg dia tersinggung?
kata orang, patah tumbuh hilang berganti..tp, adakah yg tumbuh dan berganti itu sama seperti yg dulu?klu lebih baik, syukur pd Tuhan..tp klu sebaliknya?..
i hate when i hate people, coz i cant hide it..
saturday moning, aku dikejutkan oleh phone call from nurul - she's working on sat. without mbuka eyelid, i answered her call ;
nurul: kak cocoa, k rina ada kt salun, potong rambut, she sms'ed u, but u tak reply
hotcocoa"hoh?ok2, akak call dia skang
ciss..pas letak fon, aku tgk ada sms from my bunny.alamak, dh 2 jam yg lepas oke. aku sms tanya where is she now. haha, pompuan itu sudah sentap dan telah membazirkan kredit aku lebih kurang singgit jugak la utk memujuk dia.huhuh. thank god sms yg dia anta 2 jam lepas tu ms dia still kt kajang lagik.i asked for 5min utk mandi n amik dia kat lobby.miss her much!! lps mandi, i put on my home attire n cpt2 turun lif to pick her up, bukak2 pintu lif je, there she is!!aku la yg lambat kann..we went to tapau nasik for lunch, lama x lunch kat umah together2 oke, and menu kitorg still sama mcm the gud ol days..nasi+kari ikan+ayam goreng+sayur.then naik umah, n makan sambil bgosip2..i got a happy2 story from her :) mmuahh2!!
around 2pm, she left..:( but its okay, at least i know where she went to, right to her husband's side.so i'm pretty sure she's happy n safe there. we known each other for just 2 years+ but we clicked so well and she's one of my bunnies that i care n luv so much!
i watched this series on sat nite, i luv it! the power of frenship!
p/s: eh, i suppose to eat sikit kan?and am i ON DIET??oh, mungkin sy ilang ingatan hari ini, maka, sy maafkan diri saya :)
Posted by hotcocoa at 11:46 AM 3 u know that u love me
friday nite~
My plan to lepak with En Bukitjalil on Friday nite adalah gagal.sebabbbb..em, xnak ckp lah sebab apa.anw, rite after balik keje..aku adalah sgt malasss utk buat rutin aku every Friday iaitu kemas bilik..isk..aku hanya bbaring atas katil sambil snappy2 pic eyeliner aku *tu aku dh tempek as promised* 14 kali snap, baru la aku dpt pic yg bole di harap, mcm2 pose aku buat nak bg gmbr tu oke, tp ttp tak clear..haha.sori korg, sekurang2 nya aku berusaha oke.korg patut bsyukur..
Owh, aku dh tukar layout, tp mcm lama2 tgk pening lak pale aku, psl merah sgt la kan? dh mcm tokong cina jek aku tgk..nnt la aku tukar..bile aku rajin.
Kemalasan yg melanda diri aku on fri nite hanyalah tertumpu pd aktiviti kemas bilik n basuh baju. Aktiviti MAKAN mmg aku tak malas.hehe..since nurul come back quite early that nite, sambil masih bbaring atas katil aku ajak dia makan nasi lemak bungkus2 tu..actually aku lebih kpd memaksa..haha.she’s okay wit that n pompuan tu gigih la mandi, bwangi-wangian bagai n siap sikat rambut dengan kemas. Mcm nak gi sekolah first day gituk kan..while me, I just put on my sweater n jeans, and I’m ready to go!
Sesampai kedai tu, we asked for ns lemak bungkus, mamat siam tu ckp ‘xde la kak’ hancur luluh ati ni. Smpi ati mamat siam ni kecewakan aku..isk..tiba2 aku tdengar org meja sebelah *joyahness* ckp “bla.bla..nasi lemak..bla” hoh!nasi lemak??aku cuba menjeling2 n menjengah2 dgn sopan supaya tak nampak sgt kejoyahan aku. Then aku panggil mamat siam yg len pulak, “bang, ada ns lemak tak?” *muka ganas - supaya dia tau aku serius nk makan ns lemak* “ada2” jawab abg tu, ketakutan.eh, siyal jek mamat td ckp xde kan??sama ada dia mmg tak tau kewujudan ns lemak atau dia malas nak layan aku yg selekeh!keji..diskriminasi thadap org tak cantik la ni!!eleh, aku ada duit la nak bayar!huh!
Aku mintak 2 bungkus, 1 for me n 1 for nurul, nyum2..nyum2..eh, dh abis??mn cukup? Budak tadika pun kompem ckp tak cukup oke..aku suh nurul mintak lagik..tp dia.malu.aku pun malu gak.arghhhhh..benci2..tp pastu aku mintak mihun sup lak.hahaha..cemana lah aku tak makin gemuk kan?isk..ok2..hr sabtu makan sikittttt jek ok
Posted by hotcocoa at 11:35 AM 2 u know that u love me
Thursday, August 21, 2008
entry suke2 aku..
*this entry shud be posted yesterday, but due to some reasons, x sempat!!sukatik aku la kan, blog aku kot ;p*
dh dekat setengah jam aku menggodek2 my blog dgn tujuan i want to change the layout bcause i found this one awesome layout yg aku sgt suke. but everytime i paste the codes kt my blog ni, 1001 error kuar.arghhh!!!ko bayangkan la setakat kopi pes pun dh error gitu, klu aku buat sndr lagila..no need to say la kan.so end up aku besyukur je ngan apa yg aku ada *i'll try again sebenarnye.ekekeke* but not now la kan, sbb aku dh meluat..
i think i have to go on some kind of serious diet, no actually lps pikir2 balik - balanced diet. i think my thigh is getting bigger n bigger *again, x bsyukur..isk* no, bukan x syukur..susah oke, aku rs jeans aku dh semakin ketat, n i dont haf enuff money to buy a new pair *aku slalu kutuk org pki jeans yg tlampau ketat, yg nmpk sgt bukan saiz dema*
but my frens n hommies tell me i'm not fat!ye la aku x fat, tp fatter dr dulu kan??dats the point..korg paham kannn?
mslhnye there's a time i cant control my appetite to eat the sinful stuff such as pasta, cheesecake dan sebagainye..i cant afford to be fat laaa..x sanggup membayangkannye..pn alimah adalah chubby, so aku ada potensi utk mbesar bagai johan ye..huwaaa.
the good thing is ramadhan is just around the corner, so at least mayyyyyyyyybe bole tahan napsu aku ni kot.as long as i dont buy food for berbuka as if i'm having a food feast. aku rs kuantiti aku makan sama jek mcm dulu, tp kenapa aku menggemuk??adakah sbb aku semakin tua? *tanak mengaku* no worries, aku adalah agak ekstremis dlm proses menguruskan badan..so i really think i can handle this problem.heee..;p
i tot i'll have honeymoon moment when my boss applied 2days leave, but guess wat?keje aku melambak oke..mmg kompem 2hari baru siap, so mana nye aku nak haf my own sweet time kt opis?mmg xdela jawabnye.mencik!!
anw, i'm soo happy sbb i still haf 17days of annual leave this year, and we're instructed to clear all our leaves by this year itself, no more carry2 forward dah..after kire2 cuti raya n cuti my bestie kawin, i still haf 10days left.gile seronok ko tau tak??bole la aku amik cuti puas2 lps ni, and bos xleh marah or tak approve..hehehe..kene clear kan??klu cuti aku tak abis, harus aku demand suh dema bayar *ugut* ;p haha.
dalam pada aku kata aku byk keje, sempat la aku surf the net kan??multi-tasking beb *a.k.a curik tulang*, i hop from one to another blog or site menjual tudung - i wanna pakai for raya!! saje la nak nmpk lain n lebih cantik konon.
thinking about tudung, aku rs aku cam dh lama gile x beli tudung oke, aku hanya merembat beberapa tudung kepunyaan pn alimah sbb i dont think dia sedar pun, lgpun rembatan aku tertumpu pd tudung2 yg simple, so dia x perasan sbb for her tudung yg aku rembat adalah outdated *-_-*
anw, i found a lot of tudung yg lawaaaaaaa oke, ada satu ni dia got 2tones of color, which is sgt cintaaaaa bile melihatnye. terus aku bcita2 nak gi masjid india bulan pose ni utk cr those tudungs *did i tell u aku xde baju raya lagik?haha* and aku adalah kagum when people bole melilit2 tudung ini dgn kemas di kepala mereka, n they look great!
after menghafal beberapa step memakai tudung, *malas nk print* lps balik keje smalam i grab a few tudung and started the experiment, and after 20 min juggling with the tudung, aku give up!susah ko tau tak?and aku rimas gile sbnrnye. and thanks to sara kerana sgt jujur by saying 'kak cocoa mcm mak org pki mcm tu' so thats it, i will never try it again, so there goes my plan nak beli tudung. btw, baju raya lebih penting kot kan?*yela2,apart from i haf to bpuasa duluk!*
lps dh gagal dgn eksperimen tudung tu, mula la aku buat mcm2 aktiviti utk mgembirakan hati aku since misi aku nk nmpk cantik ms raya sudah gagal. em, aku korek beg mekap aku ;p there's certain stuff inside there yg aku dh lupe i own them.hihihi.
i took my latest eyeliner that i got from watson klcc, u may not hear the brand before, but tell u what, go try this eyeliner from SECRET, named as Pearl Eyeliner and its so gorgeous!in pencil form, gives u ultimate control, the texture is creamy, it gives some glitter to ur eyes but not overdoing it, makes ur eyes stand out and eyeliner shud sit on ur eyes, not ur cheek or wherever, and this one stay at where it shud stay - PERFECT! aku x amik gamba la pulok, nnt aku upload eh. i've 2 color so far, green and gold. and i asked my bestie to buy another color for me -blue!
aku malas nak pegi klcc tu. not all watsons haf this secret counter and klu ada pun, eyeliner ni cpt sold out, sakit ati aku.wat penat je pegi. tp kt klcc tak abis la pulak kan..either they haf a lot of stock or org yg pegi klcc tak beli brand cap ayam nih.hihihi..do i care btw?asalkan cantek kann..the only drawback is dia cepat tumpul. so u haf to haf a good sharpener.
next, i found an eyeliner jugak, but this one is in liquid form, tahun ble punye tah ni. bukan aku beli, but nurul sedekah kat aku, i cant say no la kan..even aku x penah pakai, simpan jek lah..i cant see the brand, dh hilang dr botol dia..i opened the tip and owh, kaler nye ialah coklat and brush nye sgtlah halus oke..i always admire org yg pandai pakai liquid eyeliner, effect dia mmg totally diff dr pencil nye, obviously. tp tangan aku adalah tidak stabil, menggelupur tak tentu pasal, so i never try to use this type of eyeliner. but hey, kan aku nak eksperimen, so aku pun boh le mende alah tu di mata aku.slowly..slowly..jgn menggelejat, yes lagi sikit jek..hmm, quite good, sebelah lagi pulak..slow2..andddd..wahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!cantik oke!
i never know that i can handle liquid eyeliner! maybe aku dh tua, so tangan aku dh stable sket *apa kene mengene pn aku x tau* cool, now aku dh tau the other way to nampak cantik on hari raya, i failed the tudung part but this one would work brilliantly.terus aku bsemangat nak cr liquid eyeliner kaler black esok.best nyeeeeeeeee..pastu aku dh malas nak korek2 beg mekap aku *i was busy admiring my look wit the liquid eyeliner.ekekeke* ok, maybe u guys can try it, i found a tip on how to apply liquid eyeliner from here:

tp ko tgk efek eyeliner tuh..cinta oke!!
Posted by hotcocoa at 5:00 PM 0 u know that u love me
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
too many~
first thing 1st, congrates to my hero, Lee Chong Wei who grabbed the silver medal in beijing 2008.i'm so proud of u!!even ms final aku kaedah bdoa bsungguh2 supaya there's a miracle akan blaku, but seems like doa aku tak sekuat doa2 org kt beijing yg menyokong Lin Dan, plus x sekuat tangan Lin Dan. I've to say Lin Dan sgt confident yg dia akan menang, but Lee on the other hand mcm trying too hard.but hey, what the heck?yg penting dia masuk final OLIMPIK oke, sape2 yg kutuk dia tu, aku nak tanya ko penah ke masuk olimpik???tau tak stress dia mcm mana?klu ko setakat masuk ptandingan antara sekolah atau mewakili umah sukan ko sahaja, shut ur ass ok!apa2 pn, Lee Chong Wei, u r our hero :)
next, em..pe nak cite eh.o, bout the 6th sense yg aku merapu hr tu. i was thinking psl org len, tp org len lak yg tlah mngejutkan aku!! the thing is, aku dok have a sense that my long lost anak ikan is here sumwhere around me..tp aku yg blagak ni xde lah nak tgedik2 tanya kan?ekekeke..so aku buat2 tak tau *konon2* and out of nowhere, aku teringat kt my American Boy yg dh lama gak aku x contact..so i dialled his no and after 2 saat dia angkat.our conversation goes like this
hotcocoa: hey!
myAmerican Boy: hi, wat a nice surprise
hotcocoa: its me
myAmerican Boy: ya, i know
hotcocoa: hehe..r u busy?
myAmerican Boy: nope at all. just out from my long shower
hotcocoa: *erk, x keje kah* owh
tgh aku blur2 nk cr ayat, suddenly
myAmerican Boy: hey, u know wat?i'm going back to US already. i'm in johor now.and u mcm tau2 jek and suddenly u call kan?
hotcocoa: wat??!!u r goin back already, and u didnt even tell me?thanks a lot!merajuk ngan u *gedik..haha*
myAmerican Boy: ala cocoa, dont be like that..after this kte leh jmp lagi kan, u know i always come back here.anw, while i'm here seems like u dont really..u know like sepatutnye i balik sekali-sekala, u kena la.. *wat the hell??*anw, i'll let u know when i'll depart for US. hey u can always come to visit me there u know, i promise i bwk u jalan2 kt sana
hotcocoa: takmo!merajuk ngan u..*again* oklah u..em, just take care ya
myAmerican Boy: ya u too
hotcocoa: bye
myAmerican Boy: bye
now, do u get the point?yup!exactly, he's leaving and aku mcm tiba2 jek nk call dia kan?ok, mayyyybe kebetulan or watever..but STILLLLLL..anw, jahanam gak pemikiran dia yg expect aku nak junjung dia atas kepala aku while he's here.ek eleh..pshal ko balik sini mcm 15 kali setahun kan?kene ke aku bg special treatment?? but since he is my American Boy, i'll always love him!! ;)
next ialah psl cafe kt building ofis aku ni dh ditutup!!its been 2 or 3 weeks kot.haih, susah tau tak bile xde cafe in your office building..nak quick lunch pun xleh, kene menapak to other building yg mana cafe nye either sgt lah kecil, or crowded and or byk choice!!!!tp ramai sbb murah.eee..i hate waiting, terutamanya when it comes to waiting for food bile dh tahap kebulur. so end up aku makan nasi ayam almost everyday sbb service nye is less than 3 minutes.hah, mmg sesuai la kan utk si tak sabar mcm aku.lapar oke, xde masa nak beratur nak amik makanan bagai..cukup2 la aku beratur for food for 5 years kt boarding skool dulu..lg satu choice ialah tapau food kt gerai2 around here and makan kt opis.i dont really fancy aktiviti ini tau.for me lunch hour ialah masa utk keluar dr opis yg kdg2 mcm neraka tu, to inhale some not-office-oxygen and bgumbira bgelak ketawa dgn rakan2.klu lunch hour pun ko duduk opis, ko adalah sgt...*i cant find the word* bulan pose len la sbb dia kontra dat 1hour break ngn time balik, so balik keje awal!!woohoo!!! :) eh, tak lama je lagik nak pose kan? cpt tul la masa ni blalu..*tiba2 terasa takut dan insaf*
aku plan nak lepak ngan En Bukitjalil jumaat ni,*after dia memaki aku dgn mngatakan aku sombong dan blagak,ekekekeke* and aku nak ajak dia gi Murni kat SS2 sbb tetiba aku mcm tbayang makanan2 dia and i even googling bout the kedai mamak!!apekah?tp tetiba jugak aku mcm dh nak tkene aura2 malas and maybe ajak je dia lepak oldtown jek kot.haha..but tak tau lagik, tgk la jemaat tu tekak aku ni gatai nak makan apa..haih, nak makan pn susah..
I've some unfinished tasks, and klu dh siap nnt aku akan citerkan kat sini okay :)
p/s: someone says that aku ni susah difahami.am i??o, come one, learn about me then!!huh
Posted by hotcocoa at 9:50 AM 0 u know that u love me
Thursday, August 14, 2008
~6th sense~
do you guys actually believe in 6th sense?ok, seblom tuh aku dh gigih search kt google wat is 6th sense means actually - secara saintifik dan bahasa yg lebih tersusun.sbb klu aku terangkan sure korg rasa susah nak paham, lagi susah dr soklan fizik spm. sat aku paste hasil google-an aku
Sixth sense or subtle perception ability is our ability to perceive the subtle dimension or the unseen world of angels, ghosts, heaven, etc. It also includes our ability to understand the subtle cause and effect relationship behind many events, which is beyond the understanding of the intellect. Extrasensory perception (ESP), clairvoyance, premonition, intuition are synonymous with sixth sense or subtle perception ability.
so that is the meaning of 6th sense is. anw cerita aku ialah..i think my 6th sense adalah amat kuat when it comes to hal2 yg bkaitan dgn org yg aku close. like there's one time ms aku form 5, masa tu class maths, cikgu aku masuk n mula mengajar. tiba2 aku tfikir *ok, aku mmg tdk mnumpukan phatian* mcm mana la klu cikgu ni tak zip seluar kan? and it keeps bpusing2 dlm pala otak aku nih. suddenly one of my classmate (a*eng) angkat tangan and the teacher dtg kat dia and mereka berbisik.pastu cikgu tu kuar kelas and after 10min dia masuk balik..aku haruslah kepoh nak tau apa yg tjadi kan, then kwn aku ckp "a*eng angkat tgn td sbb nak bgtau cikgu yg cikgu tak zip seluar" and i was like??!!OMG!!!terus aku bdebar2..sumpah aku x nmpk sbrg benda asing before the tak-zip-seluar thing pop up in my mind!

there's actually quite a number of benda gini yg tjadi pd aku, tp aku malas nak cite.oh!!ada lagi satu yg aku kne cerita!!satu jek lagi..hehe.this is psl my ex (Mr.X), we've been 2gether for 5years and aku dh break 3 bulan yg lepas. ceritanya is, when kite dh bcinta lama sgt, kite mmg dh kenal org tu sgt2 la kan, a slight changes mesti kite sedar oke.terutamanya klu dgn aku yg bijak nih.hehe. ok, ada one time tu aku sense something is not rite somewhere, nodia taklah sebodoh itu nak tunjuk any sign but i just can sense it..mcm x sedap ati jek.aku pun x gelabah la kan, but smakin hari aku mcm dikelilingi oleh satu gelombang *exaggarate* yg mbuatkan aku x sedap ati. smpi la 1 ari tu, aku dgn selambanya amik henpon dia *curik2 amik.ekeke*, we dont really do this thing u know, like mengecheck henpon each other, sbb trust kot, n everytime aku nk pnjam henpon dia, dia akan bg je trus, so am i..so x perlu check kott. anw, aku tgk ada sms baru yg dia lum bukak lagi.x sempat bc bismillah aku terus je tekan 'Open' jeng..jeng..jeng!!ha amik kau, bsayang-sayang bagai oke!!jahanam betul!!i knew it!!!!!!!!!!dat time mmg aku rasa nak campak suitcase yg keras tu bsaiz large yg di penuhi dgn batu bata kt muka Mr.X, biar berdarah, pastu aku tabur garam atas luka tu. n i dunno y, bile aku tlampau marah kan, aku akan rs loya2 mcm nak tmuntah.is it normal?aku rs ia adalah normal, so aku abaikan jek.ha, pastu the whole day aku sgt cold thadap Mr X and when he asked, aku stret je la kan tny sapa pompuan siyal itu? *hahaha emo*and ko igt jantan2 ni nak ngaku ke klu dh kantoi?xde maknanya oke, dia ckp pompuan tu yg lebih2.eh, helo klu ko x melayan, xdenye pompuan tu gatai bijik mcm tu. aku ckp, 'klu pompuan tu syg sgt kt awk, ha pegi jek, nak sgt kan??sy pn dh tak larat!!' tp lps tu baik jgk aku ngn Mr.X.hahahaha...but that was then, skang mmg dh xde oke.anw, thanks to the 6th sense la kan?klu tak..hidup2 la aku kene tipu ngan jantan n betina jahanam tuh!!
so that's it..the power of sense. and actually today aku sense sesuatu, dats y i came up with this entry. hmm...will tell klu mmg it happens in real.
Posted by hotcocoa at 8:51 AM 0 u know that u love me
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
pastu aku gosok baju keje n i'm on my bed around 11pm++..isk bile baring jek, rs la sakitnye badannn..aku mmg mcm ni, bile aku demam, satu badan aku sakit.rs nak suh org tarik sume sendi2 aku bg bbunyi..sure lega gile kan?kan?n in no time, aku lelap teruih. around 5am aku tjaga n i feel much better..yay!and takde maknanya aku nak bgn kul 5 tuh oke, haruslah aku sambung tido smpi kul 6.30 and start my day as usual and i feel much2 better..cuma kaki n tgn aku still sejuk sikit2..hope i'll make it thru the day :)
Posted by hotcocoa at 11:50 AM 0 u know that u love me
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
omg!!dh setahun aku x update blog oke!!gile pemalas..n, i dont know y, harini tetiba aku tringt psl blog aku n when i check, its been a year!mcm tau2 jek..haha.oke2, aku bjanji *sambil angkat tangan mcm pengakap*mulai arini aku akan hapdet blog ini dgn rajin.hihihihi..bukannye xde cite utk tulis dlm blog, tp aku adalah plain malas *xde alasan lain, so mngaku je la*
now since aku dh janji nak update kan?meh i tell bout my weekend activity :) its a weekend withvhommies.and hr kamis lagik sara dh tgedik2 mngajak kitorg gi lowyat sbb nak tgk henfon and laptop.wlupun to me, lowyat adalah sedikit bosan, but haku teringat ia adalah bdekatan ngan nasi ayam chee meng andddd ada kedai donut big apple kt bawah lowyat tu!!*bole tak org nk beli gadget tp aku igt makanan sajok?*so i was like 'okay, setujuk g lowyat!!'ekekeke..as dis is sara's plan, maka dia buat rules 3 of us kene pki flip flops a.k.a selipar jepun *no heels!!* sbb dia tanak dia tgh syok tgk gadget, kitorg dh menggelupur nak balik sbb kesakitan di bahagian kaki. so ok, kami bsetuju la, pe mslh kan pki selipar jepun gi bukit bintang, pedulik hape aku..
on saturday, by 2pm me and sara dh smpi BB, nurul dh siap2 tggu kat lowyat sbb dia keje half day on Sat.n suddenly sara ckp 'kak, lets gi times square sat, sara nk beli kasut'.sempatla kitorg kan??ekeke..sian nurul 10 kali sms aku ckp she's waiting kat singa lowyat tuh *sowi nurul, ko marah sara oke* but we dont really jalan2 dlm times square tu, trus g kedai kasut yg sara dh aim, beli n terus byr..dlm 15 min then we went to lowyat, siyesly muka nurul da sama ngan muka singa lowyat tuh.haha..owh, i really see that donut dpn mata and i was like air liur aku bkumpul secara tiba2..but hommies ask me to bsabar n tahan napsu aku nih to see the gadget 1st.we went to hunt the hp 1st.owh, n aku mmg dh lama taste kat henfon SE C902 yg kaler merah tu!with 5.0 mp lamera plus very2 slim.mmg taste nak mampuih..and price nya adalah masih waras utk sebijik henpon. sara as planned mmg looking for a smartfon so she was drooling over satu fon ni yg bernama HTC Touch Diamond, andddd mmg kellasss nok henpon nih.being a person yg dont really into gadget2, aku pun sgttt kagum ngan hp ni.game bola yg sara suh aku men kt hp tu adalah sgt hebatttt!!klu lah ada warna merah, maybe iman aku yg senipis kulit bawang nih dh goyah dahh.tp harganya adalah gile utk sebijik henpon oke, and its a no-no for me.we found a REAL bargain kat satu kedai ni, his price is wayy low than other kedai * ko jual brg tipu kah??* even my dream hp is kinda cheap la jugak kat kedai dia.n we did ask for his namecard, actually we've been doing that dr kedai 1st yg kitorg masuk, so byk la jugak bisnes kad yg aku dpt hr sabtu arituh, bole aku conteng2 kt public toilet nnt, tulis no fon diorg.hahaha *ko igt aku gile nk buat bnda gitu?keji oke* nurul is not hunting for anything as dia mmg dh tau tujuan idup dia - and she actually bot a new fon the next day!
ble masing2 dh selesai hunting - mata aku dh bsinar sbb aku nak beli donut big apple tu, ok i know people are crazy over the JCo but i really think kuih itu telah di overrated, fine mmg la dia super fluffy with fancy2 decoration or flavour but hey mmg gile ko nak beratur satu jam or more utk DONUT!!!tp klu pesan kat org, xpe.ekekekeke..anw, ha kitorg pun beli la 6piece of assorted flavour and bwak kotak tu ke chee meng!!!huwaa..see i told u aku ni penamak kan??dh dpt donut tu still gak aku nak makan ns ayam feveret with air asam boi..sgt syurga dunia oke. melantak donut kat situ jugak.like i care kan org tgk aku makan byk.ekekeke
then we headed to sg wang - nothing to look out for, but buang masa jd minah rewang jap.haha.bjalan sikit la, bior kecik sket peha aku yg makin mbesar nih *arghhh* we went to roof top kt sg wang, mls nak sesak2 kt floor2 bawah tu, i cant stand pak-pak arab kt situ le.omg, bau badan depa, bole pitam oke, sama la ngan indon ke bangla ke..eeeeee..bodo!ke mmg bau perfume kat negara diorg mmg mcm tu?cannot be kannnn????
owh, i bot a bangle..ala bangle plastik tu le. pesen zaman skrg ni..its quite cheap, rm5, slalu mst dkt2 rm10 jugak.so aku beli je la. i'm very bjimat this weekend, as aku bwk rm50 only utk mngelakkan napsu serakah aku mgila di musim Megasale nihh.
at around 9pm++ bateri 3 of us dh flat, so we went back to our home swet home :) its quite a good saturday..sbb dpt makan chee meng+donut!hehe..
Posted by hotcocoa at 10:06 AM 0 u know that u love me